
Fan reversal

Prevents overheating of machines working in environments that are conducive to radiator clogging

  1. Removes impurities clinging to the fan grill
  2. Automatic cycling without penalizing the machine's performance
  3. Smooth start and current control
  4. With module (electric motor) or with distributor (hydraulic motor)
  5. Cleaning of the radiator by automatic reversal of the ventilation direction
  6. Variable fan speed option depending on machine temperature, to save fuel
  7. Automatic and/or manual reversal cycle

Electrical fan reversa

Momentary reversal of the direction of rotation of a heat exchanger fan to avoid overheating of machines working in environments conducive to radiator clogging.

  • Dusting of grilles
  • Maintaining good oil cooling

Depending on the shape of the fan blades, the airflow may be less.

Electrical fan reversal diagram

Hydraulic fan reversal

Hydraulic fan reversing components

Complete system integrating a distribution kit connected to a control module (System to be defined according to your needs, complete, with electrical harness).

Reversing with reversible blades

  1. Management module to optimise cooling, without overheating or overcooling
  2. Fuel economy
  3. Secure with switch to "cooling" position in case of failure

Technical specifications

  • Pneumatic or hydraulic control
  • Customised dimensions, fixings, supports, etc.
Fan reversal diagram with reversible blades