Legal statement
Company name: HYDROKIT
Legal form: simplified joint-stock company
Address: 19, rue du Bocage - La Ribotière - 85170 LE POIRE SUR VIE - France
Capital: €488,183
Telephone: +33 (0)2 51 34 10 10
Fax: +33 (0)2 51 34 12 66
Company and Trade Registry La Roche sur Yon B 342 418 993
Intra-community VAT: FR 25 342 418 993
Publication manager: Sophie RENNER
Hosting company: Proginov
Parc d'activités de Tournebride
B.P. 20
44118 La Chevrolière
Telephone: +33 (0)2 51 70 93 93
>> Intellectual property
The information distributed on the HYDROKIT site is written and illustrated by the HYDROKIT Marketing Department using sources and content (photos, texts, iconography...) from HYDROKIT as well as from the entire Vensys Post Equipment Group. The site may also contain images supplied by third parties, HYDROKIT partners and the Vensys Post Equipment Group.
HYDROKIT authorises solely the representation, distribution and copy of all or a portion of the Site and of its content for private purposes, with the objective of information on HYDROKIT, and in compliance with French law.
In this framework, this site and its content are protected by the Law of 11 March 1957. Any representation, reproduction, publication or distribution in whole or in part of the site or of its content, without the consent of HYDROKIT or its legal beneficiaries or concessionaries is illegal (article 40, paragraph 1). Such a representation or reproduction, publication or distribution, by whatever process, would therefore constitute counterfeit punishable under articles 425 and following of the former Penal Code.
Except when authorised beforehand in writing by HYDROKIT and outside of any authorisations granted, no reproduction, modification, commercialisation of the site or of its content, in any form whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, is not authorised. To place a request, please contact the Marketing Department on +33 (0)2 51 34 10 10 or send an email to
>>> Personal data protection
In compliance with French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 concerning information technology, files and civil liberties, each Internet user has the right to oppose (article 27 of the law) and rectify (article 36 of the law) data concerning themselves, as well as the rights granted by French Law no. 2004 - 801 of 8 August 2004 pertaining to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. As such, the Internet user can demand that the data concerning them be rectified, supplemented, clarified, updated or erased if this data is inexact, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or for which storage is prohibited.
Each Internet user can exercise these rights by sending an email to or by writing to:
Marketing and Sales Department
19, rue du Bocage
La Ribotière
85170 LE POIRE SUR VIE - France