
Open side panel safety kit

A complete range of kits to comply with the decree "JORF N°0172 of 14 July 2020 text N°80".

From January 2021, new standards will be in force regarding the safety of the opening of the sideboards on trucks equipped with hydraulic sideboards.

Hydrokit offers a range of kits to install on your new and retrofit trucks to bring you into compliance.

Internal presentation document only :

Présentation Responsable de CAP_V3

Apave approval of kits without speed info  : voir ici

Article on the Rochefort accident https://www.sudouest.fr/2018/02/08/accident-de-car-de-rochefort-les-experts-preconisent-une-alarme-sur-les-camions-bennes-4184310-1504.php

>> This page is very well referenced on
G o o oooooooooooooooooo g l e !



Inspected by the APAVE in application of the NF R17-109 standard


Fully wired, ready to install (Approximately 3 to 6 hours assembly time depending on version)


The kit is suitable for most 6x4 and 8x4 trucks on the market


Case with a specific and customisable silk-screen print

Composition of the kit

Composition of the kit

- In-cab display box and mounting bracket FIXBOX

- Power harness (5m)

- G&D Sidewall Information Harness (17m), Hydraulic (10m) and Speed (8m) depending on option(s) chosen)

- Sidewall(s) information = One or Two Inductive sensors (nominal range 0...8mm) and their mounting brackets

- Hydraulic Information (for equipped kits) = Pressure Sensor (5bars threshold)

- Speed information (for equipped kits) = Wire output (+/-) "Open sideboard" signal

- Protective split corrugated sheath (10m)

- Detailed instructions

- CE declaration of conformity


Example photo with a full option kit

Which kit and for whom?

Side panel upgrade

Explanatory video

What the press is saying