Greasing kit on telescopic JCB 527-
Hydrokit Part Number : KG128D25V1
Technical information
Greasing for the 7 points on the carriage
side. - Valve 8 posts, 7 greasing
points - Autonomous pump actuated hydraulically
at each tilt movement - Standard cartridge
to be screwed In-line ports
side. - Valve 8 posts, 7 greasing
points - Autonomous pump actuated hydraulically
at each tilt movement - Standard cartridge
to be screwed In-line ports
" Here are the advantages that you will have by integrating an automatic greasing system: - Reduction in maintenance costs: when there is a lack of grease, the parts tend to bind and need to be changed (Shafts ...). - Saves time: greasing takes place automatically during the operation of the machine. The system is directly integrated into the hydraulics of your telescopic. - Extended equipment service life. - Optimised greasing at the strategic points of your telescopic.